657 research outputs found

    Reseña de Kaufmant, Marie-Eugénie, «Le cheval au théâtre dans l’Espagne du Siècle d’Or. Fondements idéologiques et mécanismes d’une poétique dans la comedia nueva», Binges, Éditions Orbis Tertius, 2018, 576 pp. ISBN: 978-2-36783-113-8

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    Reseña de Kaufmant, Marie-Eugénie, Le cheval au théâtre dans l’Espagne du Siècle d’Or. Fondements idéologiques et mécanismes d’une poétique dans la comedia nueva, Binges, Éditions Orbis Tertius, 2018, 576 pp. ISBN: 978-2-36783-113-

    Dame Kobold (1920) de Hugo von Hofmannsthal et son modèle : La dama duende (1629) de Pedro Calderón de la Barca

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    Le théâtre du Siècle d’or espagnol a fasciné les dramaturges autrichiens, parmi lesquels Hofmannsthal. Celui-ci écrit en 1920 Dame Kobold d’après la traduction allemande de Johann Diederich Gries de La dama duende (1629) de Calderón. Respectant l’intrigue et l’ancrage spatio-temporel de la pièce espagnole, il s’en éloigne grâce à la modernité de sa langue et par des décrochages qui l’amènent à développer la dimension œdipienne des relations entre les personnages. Ces décrochages finissent par déboucher sur une significative modification revenant à affirmer la nécessité de la foi en l’autre pour arriver à une vraie rencontre amoureuse. Cette modification s’inscrit dans une réflexion sur la masculinité et la féminité. La fidélité novatrice de Hofmannsthal lui permet ainsi de démontrer l’atemporalité du texte caldéronien, puisque La dama duende porte en germe l’histoire de Dame Kobold, celle d’un Homme qui devient pleinement Homme en rencontrant une Femme, et d’une Femme qui devient pleinement Femme en rencontrant un Homme.Das Theater des spanischen Goldenen Zeitalters faszinierte österreichische Bühnenautoren, unter ihnen Hofmannsthal. 1920 schreibt er Dame Kobold. Quelle seiner Inspiration ist Johann Diederich Gries‘ deutsche Übersetzung des Theaterstücks La dama duende (1629) von Calderon. Dabei hält er an der Handlung und der räumlich-zeitlichen Verankerung des spanischen Vorbilds fest, entfernt sich aber durch seine moderne Sprache und Sinnverschiebungen, die die Dimension ödipaler Beziehungen der Personen untereinander zur Geltung bringt. Durch diese Verschiebungen gibt er dem Theaterstück einen entscheidend umgewandelten Sinn, nämlich den, dass der Glaube an den anderen notwendig ist, damit es zu einer wahren Liebesbegegnung und Liebesbeziehung kommen kann. Dieses Umwandeln steht im Rahmen des Nachdenkens über Männlichkeit und Weiblichkeit. Diese erneuernde Art, dem ursprünglichen Text treu zu bleiben, gibt Hofmannsthal die Möglichkeit zu zeigen, dass der Text von Calderon über seine Zeit hinausgeht, da La dama duende schon den Keim zu Dame Kobold in sich birgt, den Keim zu der Geschichte eines Mannes, der ein wahrer Mann wird, indem er eine Frau wahrhaft liebt, und zu der Geschichte einer Frau, die zu einer wahren Frau wird, indem sie einen Mann wahrhaft liebt.Austrian dramatists were fascinated by the Spanish Siglo de Oro drama. Among them was Hofmannsthal, who wrote Dame Kobold in 1920, a rewriting of Johann Diederich Gries’s German translation of La dama duende (Calderón, 1629). Keeping in mind the plot and the spatiotemporal foundations of the Spanish play, he moves away from it thanks to the modernity of his writing and distance from the original text, which leads him to develop the Oedipal dimension of the relationships between the characters. This distance eventually reaches a significant modification, affirming the necessity of faith in the other in order to achieve a real love encounter. This modification is part of a reflexion about masculinity and femininity. Hofmannsthal’s innovative faithfulness allows him to demonstrate the timelesness of the Calderonian text, as La dama duende contains the seeds of the story of Dame Kobold, the story of a Man who becomes fully a Man when he meets a Woman, and the one of a Woman who becomes fully a Woman when she meets a Man

    L'éthique appliquée à la communication professionnelle

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    Ce numéro propose une exploration des enjeux éthiques tels qu'ils sont présents aujourd'hui dans différents domaines professionnels du secteur de la communication. Dans l'opinion publique actuelle ces deux termes (« communication », comme métier et activité professionnelle, et « éthique ») semblent parfois opposés : nous rappelions déjà dans le numéro 5 quelques données concernant la méfiance que la communication professionnelle inspire, à l'époque des spin doctors et, plus récemment, des fake news et des faits alternatifs. En réalité, l'éthique est un enjeu de toujours et de toutes les sphères de la vie humaine. C'est inévitable donc que la communication professionnelle soit traversée de fond en comble, dans ses différents secteurs et domaines et depuis toujours, par la tension autour du défendu et du permis, des valeurs et des principes

    Response to highly active antiretroviral therapy among severely immuno-compromised HIV-infected patients in Cambodia.

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    BACKGROUND: HAART efficacy was evaluated in a real-life setting in Phnom Penh (Médecins Sans Frontières programme) among severely immuno-compromised patients. METHODS: Factors associated with mortality and immune reconstitution were identified using Cox proportional hazards and logistic regression models, respectively. RESULTS: From July 2001 to April 2005, 1735 patients initiated HAART, with median CD4 cell count of 20 (inter-quartile range, 6-78) cells/microl. Mortality at 2 years increased as the CD4 cell count at HAART initiation decreased, (4.4, 4.5, 7.5 and 24.7% in patients with CD4 cell count > 100, 51-100, 21-50 and < or = 20 cells/microl, respectively; P < 10). Cotrimoxazole and fluconazole prophylaxis were protective against mortality as long as CD4 cell counts remained < or = 200 and < or = 100 cells/microl, respectively. The proportion of patients with successful immune reconstitution (CD4 cell gain > 100 cells/microl at 6 months) was 46.3%; it was lower in patients with previous ART exposure [odds ratio (OR), 0.16; 95% confidence interval (CI), 0.05-0.45] and patients developing a new opportunistic infection/immune reconstitution infection syndromes (OR, 0.71; 95% CI, 0.52-0.98). Similar efficacy was found between the stavudine-lamivudine-nevirapine fixed dose combination and the combination stavudine-lamivudine-efavirenz in terms of mortality and successful immune reconstitution. No surrogate markers for CD4 cell change could be identified among total lymphocyte count, haemoglobin, weight and body mass index. CONCLUSION: Although CD4 cell count-stratified mortality rates were similar to those observed in industrialized countries for patients with CD4 cell count > 50 cells/microl, patients with CD4 cell count < or = 20 cells/microl posed a real challenge to clinicians. Widespread voluntary HIV testing and counselling should be encouraged to allow HAART initiation before the development of severe immuno-suppression

    Socioeconomic status and treatment outcomes for individuals with HIV on antiretroviral treatment in the UK: cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses

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    Background: Few studies have assessed the effect of socioeconomic status on HIV treatment outcomes in settings with universal access to health care. Here we aimed to investigate the association of socioeconomic factors with antiretroviral therapy (ART) non-adherence, virological non-suppression, and virological rebound, in HIV-positive people on ART in the UK. Methods: We used data from the Antiretrovirals, Sexual Transmission Risk and Attitudes (ASTRA) questionnaire study, which recruited participants aged 18 years or older with HIV from eight HIV outpatient clinics in the UK between Feb 1, 2011, and Dec 31, 2012. Participants self-completed a confidential questionnaire on sociodemographic, health, and lifestyle issues. In participants on ART, we assessed associations of financial hardship, employment, housing, and education with: self-reported ART non-adherence at the time of the questionnaire; virological non-suppression (viral load >50 copies per mL) at the time of questionnaire in those who started ART at least 6 months ago (cross-sectional analysis); and subsequent virological rebound (viral load >200 copies per mL) in those with initial viral load of 50 copies per mL or lower (longitudinal analysis). Findings: Of the 3258 people who completed the questionnaire, 2771 (85%) reported being on ART at the time of the questionnaire, and 2704 with complete data were included. 873 (32%) of 2704 participants reported non-adherence to ART and 219 (9%) of 2405 had virological non-suppression in cross-sectional analysis. Each of the four measures of lower socioeconomic status was strongly associated with non-adherence to ART, and with virological non-suppression (prevalence ratios [PR] adjusted for gender/sexual orientation, age, and ethnic origin: greatest financial hardship vs none 2·4, 95% CI 1·6–3·4; non-employment 2·0, 1·5–2·6; unstable housing vs homeowner 3·0, 1·9–4·6; non-university education 1·6, 1·2–2·2). 139 (8%) of 1740 individuals had subsequent virological rebound (rate=3·6/100 person-years). Low socioeconomic status was predictive of longitudinal rebound risk (adjusted hazard ratio [HR] for greatest financial hardship vs none 2·3, 95% CI 1·4–3·9; non-employment 3·0, 2·1–4·2; unstable housing vs homeowner 3·3, 1·8–6·1; non-university education 1·6, 1·1–2·3). Interpretation: Socioeconomic disadvantage was strongly associated with poorer HIV treatment outcomes in this setting with universal health care. Adherence interventions and increased social support for those most at risk should be considered

    Twelve-year mortality in HIV-infected patients receiving antiretroviral therapy (ART): the role of social vulnerability. The ANRS CO8 APROCO-COPILOTE cohort

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    International audienceBackground: Although the role of clinical/biological factors associated with mortality has already been explored in HIV-infected patients on antiretroviral therapy (ART), to date little attention has been given to the potential role of social vulnerability. This study aimed to construct an appropriate measure of social vulnerability and to evaluate whether this measure is predictive of increased mortality risk in ART-treated patients followed up in the ANRS CO8 APROCO-COPILOTE cohort.Methods: The cohort enrolled 1,281 patients initiating a protease inhibitor-based regimen in 1997–1999. Clinical/laboratory data were collected every 4 months. Self-administered questionnaires collected psycho-social/behavioural characteristics at enrolment (month [M] 0), M4 and every 8–12 months thereafter. A multiple correspondence analysis using education, employment and housing indicators helped construct a composite indicator measuring social vulnerability. The outcome studied was all-cause deaths occurring after M4. The relationship between social vulnerability and mortality, after adjustment for other predictors, was studied using a shared-frailty Cox model, taking into account informative study dropout.Results: Over a median (IQR) follow-up of 7.9 (3.0–11.2) years, 121 deaths occurred among 1,057 eligible patients, corresponding to a mortality rate (95% CI) of 1.64 (1.37, 1.96)/100 person-years. Leading causes of death were non-AIDS defining cancers (n=26), AIDS (n=23) and cardiovascular diseases (n=12). Social vulnerability (HR [95% CI] =1.2 [1.0, 1.5]) was associated with increased mortality risk, after adjustment for other known behavioural and bio-medical predictors.Conclusions: Social vulnerability remains a major mortality predictor in ART-treated patients. A real need exists for innovative interventions targeting individuals cumulating several sources of social vulnerability, to ensure that social inequalities do not continue to lead to higher mortality
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